Sunday 20 January 2013

Totoro Cake with Guitar Pan

In this lab, we had to use the cake pan that we used last time (in our case the guitar cake pan) and design our own pattern on it without changing the shape too much!

In this lab we used the vanilla cake mix since I thought that, with our design and the colors in our design, it would blend more.

Our cake turned out a little better then last time but at the corner we put a little too less flour.

Our cake in the process! I really wanted to make a Totoro cake (I have been obsessed with Totoro since I was 5) and I was able to convince my group to do one! I spent a long time thinking about the design, it was hard to think up something for the guitar head and neck but after some time and with the help of my group, I decided to do mini Totoro with a leaf!

We had to cut a little of the guitar head to make the ears for the Totoro.
Instead of icing it all with the #18 star tip, we wanted it to have different textures so for the belly of the Totoro, we tried to make it like fur by putting buttercream icing (the icing we were using) on it and using the back of the spoon, spreading it and lifting it up to make the texture of fur.
Our finished product!
I did a shell border around it~

Chibi Totoro! So cute~

 In the end, I thought we did a really good job especially compared to the guitar.
Though instead of the big Totoro looking like O Totoro, it looked like Chu Totoro but it was still cute! and I finally got my dream of having a Totoro cake!

In case someone wanted to know what Totoro is...
Totoro is from My Neighbor Totoro which is a japanese movie by Studio Ghibli (I really love all the movies from there!). 
O Totoro is the biggest of the three totoros. Chu Totoro is the medium-size, blue totoro. Chibi Totoro is the smallest one (the one on top of O Totoro in this picture). He is white and see through (most of the times).


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